Wednesday, August 8, 2012

7 Fundraising Ideas to swiftly Raise $1,000

Do you know about - 7 Fundraising Ideas to swiftly Raise ,000

One thousand dollars may not seem like a lot of money to some nonprofits, but to small organizations, it can be a large sum of money. Here are 7 great ideas to fast raise ,000.

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How is 7 Fundraising Ideas to swiftly Raise ,000

We had a good read. For the benefit of yourself. Be sure to read to the end. I want you to get good knowledge from Campaign Finance.

1. Do an "Easy Thousand." Get 10 Board members, volunteers, or donors to each ask 10 population for each. You can turn this to ,625 by changing the numbers to 25 population request 25 population for each. This can also give you a bunch of new donors!

2. Hold a house party. Ask Board members, volunteers, and donors to have a dinner in their home and request their friends. Have a staff someone do a short presentation on your society followed by a testimonial from the evening's host. Then, give the guests the occasion to make a gift. Make sure to get names and addresses so you can properly thank guests and get them on your list.

3. Have a large Yard Sale. Ask Board members, volunteers, and friends to donate their unwanted items and hold a big yard sale. Publicize it beforehand to let the society know what you're doing and that you are trying to raise ,000. Donate any leftovers to a local thrift store.

4. Hold a "Non Event" (Example: "No Ball at All"). Create a fictitious event and send out invitations request population to buy "tickets" to this event that won't take place. It's a great theme for a mailing and regularly works well.

5. Ask for donations to your society in honor of your birthday. Most of us have more than we need anyway, so ask friends and family to make a gift in honor of your extra day. Facebook has a way to indeed ask online friends to make a gift and you can set a goal so that others know how much you are trying to raise.

6. Activate a viral email campaign. Write a short, compelling email and send to every person you have email addresses for. Be sure to say that you are trying to raise ,000. Include a link to your "Donate Now" button online. Then ask the reader to transmit the email on to others who might be interested.

7. Upgrade an existing donor. Look straight through your current donor list and find someone who has given 0 in the past year or so. request them for a tour of your premise and ask them to make a ,000 gift.

I hope you will get new knowledge about Campaign Finance. Where you can offer utilization in your evryday life. And above all, your reaction is agree with Campaign Finance|Campaign Finance|"Campaign Finance"|right here Campaign Finance}.Read more.. right here 7 Fundraising Ideas to swiftly Raise ,000. View Related articles related to Campaign Finance. I Roll below. I have suggested my friends to assist share the Facebook Twitter Like Tweet. Can you share 7 Fundraising Ideas to swiftly Raise ,000.

The Best Way to market Your New Small firm Effectively

Do you know about - The Best Way to market Your New Small firm Effectively

Owning your own small business is one the most difficult things you can do in the pro world. Of procedure if it wasn't, everyone would be doing it and everyone would be rich. The question is that is hard work and it requires an awful lot of time and dedication. It is in a business's marketing strategy that the successful isolate themselves from the ordinary.

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How is The Best Way to market Your New Small firm Effectively

We had a good read. For the benefit of yourself. Be sure to read to the end. I want you to get good knowledge from Campaign Financing.

Your small business will see success if you implement a more defined advent in place that keeps you permanently marketing your goods and your business. The best way to do that is through the use of proven small business marketing solutions. By keeping on sticking to the plan you will originate high-quality leads and turn your prospects into new customers in no time. Here are a few ways you can market your new or small business in a few easy steps:

First start off with some good market research of your immediate geographic area. Marketing research consists of different ways of collecting information that can include interviews, questionnaires, surveys and even focus group. through all this information collected you can try to analyze if there is a market for your small business. Among the things you'll be seeing for is the demographic group which would be most concerned in your goods or service. All of your initial marketing and advertising efforts will then be focused on that singular demographic. The next thing you must do is decide upon a feasible marketing budget. Marketing isn't cheap in some markets so be sure to save up funds for things like packaging, promotions, advertising and publicity. All businesses need advertising in some form or another and they all need money to do so. One often undervalued form of marketing is the grassroots strategy or word of mouth. Not only is it quite sufficient but also very cheap. It's so cheap it's free. Tell everyone you know to tell everyone they know about your new business. Print up and hang flyers in local businesses and have business cards developed to hand out. Try to make yourself seen at all the local events, charity functions and town meetings. It's great way to connect with local leaders and network with possible customers. You're getting the name of your business out there in the minds of people who will be doing business with you. A very sufficient marketing tool if done correctly is a website for your business. Web designers are very affordable for a new business that may not have the start up capital. Most families always have one someone in them who know some web invent skills too so ask them to help you for a few extra bucks. You don't need an very complex site for a startup but you do need a clean one free of typographical errors, broken links or anyone else that looks unprofessional. The last way to get some good publicity to your new small business is to get in the news. Let me rephrase that, get in the news in a inevitable way. experience local newspaper writers or broadcasters for interviews about current business events or trends. The goal is to make yourself look like an master in the field.

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Tuesday, August 7, 2012

Historical And Political Evolution Of Nigeria From 1900-Present Day

Do you know about - Historical And Political Evolution Of Nigeria From 1900-Present Day

Britain governed indirectly through the existing local institutions. Sir Frederick Lugard's Indirect Rule worked well in the North and the West where primary rulers were already in place. It however, failed woefully in the East where there was no tradition of central governing authority. What the British did therefore, was to create synthetic chiefs whom they called "Warrant chiefs". Because of the alien authority so created in the East and because some of them were indubitably insignificant people, the guarantee chiefs commanded tiny or no authority. People either ignored them or protested their rule. One of the upshots of this anomaly was the 'Aba Riots' of 1929, led by women who were protesting in the main, the imposition of tax by a guarantee chief.

What I said. It is not outcome that the real about Campaign Finance Reform. You check this out article for home elevators an individual wish to know is Campaign Finance Reform.

How is Historical And Political Evolution Of Nigeria From 1900-Present Day

We had a good read. For the benefit of yourself. Be sure to read to the end. I want you to get good knowledge from Campaign Finance Reform.

The Clifford Constitution Of 1922

The Governor of Nigeria at this time, Sir Hugh Clifford had earlier attacked the National Congress of British West Africa, a political party which was formed and led from the Gold Coast by Casely Hayford, for having sent a appeal to the secretary of state for the Colonies in London. One of the agitations of the educated minority in Lagos and Calabar areas was for allowable constitutional representation, and the appeal was rejected by Lord Milner, the secretary of state. Clifford himself had attacked the National Congress of British West Africa as a whole, but he fully appreciated the need for reform and especially for increased participation of Nigerians in the government of their own country.

One of the political consequences of the Clifford Constitution was that the introduction of optional principle in the Legislative Council stimulated political activity, particularly in Lagos, which had three seats. Political parties and newspapers were founded, though some were short-lived due to personal rivalries and inadequate funding. That was the early stage of Nigerian nationalism. Herbert Macaulay founded the first Nigerian political party - Nigerian National Democratic Party (Nndp) - and which won all the elections of 1923, 1928 and 1933.

The supremacy in Lagos of the Nndp was not challenged until the foundation in 1934 of the Lagos Youth Movement, which changed its name to Nigeria Youth Movement (Nym) in 1936. The Nym emerged from relative obscurity at the 1938 general Elections to challenge the Nndp and it became the preeminent Nigerian party under Dr. Nnamdi Azikiwe's leadership, until he resigned from it on an internal issue of reliance in 1941, after which it faded away.

The impact of the Second World War (1945-1949) upon Nationalist movements in British West Africa was the same in all territories. The impact was threefold: military, psychological, and economic.

Large numbers of West African military were recruited and saw military service in East Africa, in North Africa, and most particularly, in South East Asia. They were taught that they were fighting for freedom, and were promised good resettlement facilities when they returned home and were demobilized. However, West African units in South East Asia had been issued with pamphlets describing demobilization and resettlement procedures applicable to British military being demobilized in the United Kingdom for when they got back to their own countries the West African military were summarily discharged from the armed forces, and swelled the ranks of the unemployed.

During the war, the propaganda of the Allies had been based upon the belief of freedom (as indubitably had Nazi propaganda directed at the colonies). The United States, as an ex-colony, took an aggressively anti-colonialist line from the time of the Atlantic rent of the United Nations.

Finally, following war-time and post-war shortages and inflation, the price of imported goods went up, though the prices received by local producers for export did not go up like the same extent. This led to dissentient and a reliance that the Colonial masses were the victims of imperialist and capitalist exploitation.

The impact of Azikiwe's newspaper - West African Pilot - and other factors energized the quest for freedom. Such other factors were the impact of organized labour, pupil unionism and the invigorating balm offered by the independence of India in 1947.

The Richards Constitution Of 1946

Sir Arthur Richards (later Lord Milverton) submitted his Constitutional proposals to the secretary of state for the Colonies in December 1944. The proposals were of two main characteristics: the chase of self-determination and the improvement of regional separatism.

There was sweeping condemnation of the Richards Constitution by a plethora of protests, viz, the June 1945 general strike of organized labour spearheaded by the labour leader, Pa Michael Imoudu, the formation and activities of the Zikist Movement and the increasing impatience and radicalism of the youths. The new mood of the moment was captured by Ogedemgbe Macaulay (son of Herbert Macaulay) and Mallam Habib Abdallah. The younger Macaulay was reported to have argued that "if we tell the governor to come down, he will not; we must drag him down and take over."

In a 1948 lecture titled "The Age of definite Action", Mallam Abdallah said:

"I hate the Union Jack with all my heart because it divides the People wherever it is a fastener of persecution, of domination, a fastener of exploitation... Of brutality...we have passed the age of petition...age of resolution...the age of diplomacy. This is the age of operation - plain, blunt and definite action."

The Nationalist leaders were strongly opposed to the Richards Constitution as they claimed that it had been arbitrarily imposed upon them, since Richards himself had not consulted either the political leaders or collective belief in general.

The Macpherson Constitution Of 1951

Sir John Macpherson took over from Sir Arthur Richards as Governor in April 1948. Macpherson attempted a rapprochement with the Nigerian Nationalists, thus securing their co-operation in a common exertion towards self-government.

In the early part of his governorship, he carried out local government reforms which were intended to update and democratize local government buildings of Southern Nigeria. He also set up a special commission, which included Dr. Azikiwe, to make recommendations on the 'Nigerianization' of the senior civil service. On 17th August 1948, Macpherson addressed the Legislative Council that "if it was the wish of the country" he was willing to make constitutional changes within three years.

Lengthy wrangling among the Nationalists led to constitutional reform with the feeling polarizing the three major parties based upon the three Regions then existing - the operation Group based on Yoruba support, the Ncnc based upon Ibo support, and the Npc based upon Hausa/Fulani support, and thus establishing themselves as spokesmen of the three major tribal and regional interests.

The breakdown of the Macpherson Constitution - even though it represented a buildings within which Nigerian political leaders could have worked out their political salvation had they wished on a basis of 'Unity in Diversity'- its important feebleness lay in its failure to furnish government at the center. For example, there was a determination of the relationships on the one hand between the political parties and on the other hand between Nigerian leaders and expatriate officials. A added constitutional impasse developed in the Federal House of Representatives as a effect of the appeal calling for, 'as a primary political objective the attainment of self-government for Nigeria in 1956' which was moved by chief Anthony Enahoro, an operation Group member, on March 31, 1953.

The Lyttelton Constitution 1954

The political atmosphere throughout Nigeria rapidly deteriorated into party and ethnic intolerance, as evinced, for example, by the Kano Riots of 1953. Accordingly, Mr. Oliver Lyttleton, the secretary of state, stated in the House of Commons on 31st May 1953 that, since it appeared impossible for Nigerians to work together effectively in a tightly knit federation, 'Her majesty's Government had regretfully decided that the Nigerian Constitution would have to be withdrawn to furnish for greater regional autonomy and for the dismissal of powers of intervention by the center in matters which could, without detriment to other regions, be settled entirely within regional competence.' He accordingly invited Nigerian leaders to come to London for a Constitutional Review. The Nigerian political leaders after some political bickering visited London from 30th July to 22nd August 1953 for the constitutional conference, reaching agreement on some major issues. It was agreed that the discussion should meet again in Lagos in January 1954 to deal with other issues like proposals for income allocation to the Regions.

The Lyttleton Constitution succeeded in giving the Regional legislatures a high degree of legislative autonomy being able to make laws on subjects included in the 'regional' list and in the 'concurrent' list (in which a Federal law could over-ride the Regional law). The Lyttleton Constitution had visualized that the Regions would at last become self-governing in all matters within their legislative competence, as a transitional stage towards full self-government for Nigeria as a whole. As a effect of the London constitutional discussion in May and June 1957 under the chairmanship of the then secretary of state, Mr. Lennox- Boyd, both Eastern and Western Regions became self-governing on 8th August, 1957 and, in March 1959, the Northern Region became self-governing.

The London discussion Of 1958

The fourth constitutional discussion to be held in eight years took place in London in September and October 1958. Apart from some discussions of the position of minority in Nigeria, and the decision to hold a general choosing for an enlarged House of Representatives in December 1959, the most important outcome of the discussion was the decision that barring accidents, Nigeria should become independent on 1st October, 1960.

The general choosing having held in December 1959, no single party obtained an unabridged majority of the 312 seats in the new House of Representatives. The distribution of seats was as follows: Northern People's Congress (Npc) 134, Nigerian Council of Nigerian Citizens (Ncnc) 89, and operation Group (Ag) 73, while others had 16. It would thus have been inherent for a coalition of the Ncnc and the Ag to command a working majority in the House, and discussions were held between the leaders to that effect. These negotiations broke down, partly owing to the hostility between the two parties and partly because of the fear that the Northern Government was based upon the two Southern parties only. In the end, the Npc and the Ncnc formed a coalition government under Sir Abubakar Tafawa Balewa. The Ag, frustrated, became the official opposition. Dr. Azikiwe resigned his seat in the House and was appointed President of the newly established Senate.

Comment: the union between the Npc and the Ncnc became a field of life-long bitter feeling between Chief Obafemi Awolowo and Dr. Nnamdi Azikiwe with the former believing that the latter's political alignment with the Npc signified an unwarranted compromise and a sell-out.

The Independence Constitution Of 1960

The first Constitution of an independent Nigeria was contained in the Nigerian (Constitution) Order in Council, 1960, which came into effect on 1st October, 1960. Note that in July 1960, the United Kingdom; Parliament had passed the Nigerian Independence Act, 1960, which made provision for the independence of all Nigeria except the British Cameroons.

The 1960 Independence Constitution contained some important provisions, as follows:

i. The Governor-General representing the Queen became constitutional Head of State, acting only on the advice of his ministers. The same applied to the Governors at the Regions.

ii. Judges of the consummate and High Courts were to be appointed upon the advice of the Judicial service Commission, made up of the existing Judges. They could only be dismissed on the advice of a Tribunal of Judges, confirmed by the Judicial Committee of the Privy Council.

iii. Constitutional provision was made for Nigerian citizenship.

iv. A policy for constitutional amendment hitherto the prerogative of the United Kingdom authorities was incorporated in the Constitution.

From 1960 - 1983

Nigeria having attained political independence on 1st October 1960, it must be admitted that hope and anxiety defined the first five years of self-rule. But hope soon petered out, as anxiety soon yielded way to tension, then to crises.

The Western Region urgency of 1962

Within two years of independence, the urgency powers of the Federal Government had to be called into play, and it became the field of important political acrimony. By declaring a state of urgency and supplanting the government of a Region was demonstrably so great as to raise the demand of either Nigeria was a true Federation at all.

The Western Region urgency which developed from a personality conflict between Chief Awolowo, the leader of the operation Group and his deputy, Chief S.L. Akintola, the Premier of Western Region and split the operation Group completely, resulted in the suspension of the Western Region Government by the Federal Government under its urgency powers. Having declared urgency rule the Federal Government appointed Senator Majekodumi, the Federal clergyman of Health, as Administrator, with full powers as if he were himself the Western Region Government.

Meanwhile, Chief Awolowo and a group of his supporters were charged with treasonable felony and conspiracy to overthrow the Federal Government. After a lengthy trial, he was convicted and sentenced to ten years imprisonment. Chief Akintola was allowed to resume his premiership on 1st January, 1963, and up to the date of his assassination during the first military coup in January 1966, remained in office as leader of a new party, the Nigerian National Democratic Party.

The Mid-West State

On 23rd March 1962, the Federal Parliament approved a Constitutional amendment to furnish for a fourth Region in Nigeria. The proposal was then approved by the legislatures of Eastern and Northern Regions, although rejected at the time by the Western legislature. A referendum was held in the area affected on 13th July 1963, which gave an spectacular, hold to the creation of a new Region.

The Mid-West Region, formed out the non-Yoruba areas of Western Region, came into existence on the 12th August 1963. It received a Constitution on 9th January 1964 similar to that of Western Region, after having been administered under the aegis of the Federal Government for the first six months.

How Nigeria Became a Republic

Proposals for the transformation of Nigeria into a Republic were drawn up by the Prime Minister, Sir Abubakar Tafawa Balewa, in consultation with the Regional Premiers and presented to the delegates of all the political parties at the Constitutional discussion held in Lagos on the 25th and 26th July 1963. The discussion agreed that Nigeria should become a Federal Republic within the Commonwealth on 1st October 1963. It was decided that the first president should be Dr. Nnamdi Azikiwe, previously the Governor-General of the Federation, and that subsequent Presidents should be elected for a duration of five years at a time by the members of the Senate and the House of Representatives sitting together.

The Republican Constitution of 1963

The new Constitution incorporated the decisions of the Constitutional Conference, and was passed into law by the Federal Parliament on 19th September 1963. It came into effect on 1st October 1963. The Republican Constitution was titled "The 1963 Constitution (Act No. 20 of 1963) and it was a lengthy document running into twelve chapters with numerous sections. One very important section of the 1963 Constitution was Section 157 which named Dr. Nnamdi Azikiwe as President of the Republic with effect from the date of commencement of the Constitution. It must be noted that the 1963 Constitution was Federal, Republican, Written and Rigid.

The Breakdown of Law and Order

The Western Region was already politically divided since the rift between Awolowo and Akintola in 1962, lived through a duration of increasing political tension during the Federal general choosing Campaign of 1964. This political tension was not given a opportunity to subside after the election, owing partly to the charges and counter-charges of illicit practices during the election. A fresh wave of choosing fever which was stimulated by the knowledge that the Regional general choosing was bound to take place during 1965, and rumors had it that the choosing might take place as early as April 1965, but in the event Chief Akintola concealed his intentions, thus allowing the fever to continue, until the declaration that the date had been fixed for the autumn of 1965.

The Regional electoral results were announced by the Regional Electoral Commission, and showed an spectacular, majority for Chief Akintola's Nndp. In reaction, the operation Group immediately declared that in fact their acting leader, Alhaji Adegbenro, had won the choosing and was therefore the official Premier, but the courts ruled that Chief Akintola retained the Premiership. The operation Group had alleged that the elections had been 'rigged' and they were supported in a statement made by the chairman of the Electoral Commission.

Political dissension and violence between the two parties increased to such a point that by the end of December 1965, the Nigerian police force, seriously undermanned and physically exhausted from the strain of a year or more of violence in the Region, found itself losing its grip on the situation and unable to guarantee the maintenance of law and order. [This was a duration the political violence in the Region was euphemistically nick-named "operation wetice" during which political hooligans and arsonists poured petrol on political opponents and burnt them alive, including their houses and other material possessions].

Emergence Of military Government In Nigeria

As a effect of the deteriorating situation in Western Region coupled with the impotence of the police to consist of the unabridged violence from the end of December 1965 to the middle of January 1966 during which gangs of hooligans erected road blocks on the main roads between Lagos and Ibadan.

Still in the grip of its fatal indecision, the Federal Government did not act. In the early hours of Saturday, 15th January 1966, drastic operation for which the situation called and with which the Federal Government had not responded, was taken. military under the command of Major Chukwuma Nzeogwu assassinated Sir Ahmadu Bello, the Premier of Northern Nigeria and killed a amount of senior army officers who were not willing to hold their actions. Other military assassinated Chief Akintola, the Premier of Western Nigeria, and kidnapped his deputy, Chief Fani-Kayode. Sir Abubakar Tafawa Balewa and Chief Festus Okotie-Eboh, the Federal clergyman of Finance, were also kidnapped in Laos, and a preventive guard was put on the residences of the Eastern Nigeria Ministers. The bodies of Abubakar and Okotie-Eboh were not found until 21st January, until which time their fate remained unknown.

The remaining members of the Federal Council of Ministers met on 15th January, announced that an army mutiny had taken place, and stated that the general Officer Commanding, Major general J.T.U. Aguiyi-Ironsi (who had succeeded Major-General Sir Charles Welby-Everard less than a year previously) remained thoroughly loyal to the Federal Government.

The next day, Sunday, 16th January, the President of the Senate, Dr. Nwafor Orizu, who was Acting President of Nigeria in the absence overseas on sick leave of Dr. Azikiwe, broadcast to the nation announcing that the Council of Ministers had advised him to hand over the powers of government to Major-General Aguiyi-Ironsi.

Immediately on assuming power, Major-General Aguiyi-Ironsi in a broadcast to the People of Nigeria, stated that he had set up a military government and promulgated the first Decrees to dangle those Sections of the Constitution production provisions for the President of the Republic, Prime Minister, Council of Ministers, Parliament, Regional Governors, Regional Premiers, Regional executive Councils, and Regional Assemblies. Aguiyi-Ironsi made it clear that the 'primary objective of the military government was to re-establish law and order, and to reactivate the Civil administration. Its longer term objectives were to eradicate tribalism and regionalism in any shape or form and to lead a unified Nigeria towards the adoption of a new civilian constitution.

Military Governors were appointed for each of the Regions, with Aguiyi-Ironsi as consummate Commander and Head of the military Government.

A study group had been set up on 21st March 1966 under Chief Rotimi Williams to make recommendations for a unitary form of government. After serious rioting by Northerners against Southerners (in single Ibos) in the North because Northerners feared that the proposed unitary form of government was designed to field them to Southern domination, the army once again intervened in July 1966. Northern military seized general Aguiyi-Ironsi in Ibadan, together with his host, Lt-Colonel Adekunle Fajuyi, military Governor of the West, and assassinated both of them. This sad event occurred on 29th July 1966.

After a duration of confusion, in which the country was leaderless, Lt-Colonel Yakubu Gowon, a Christian Northerner from Angas ethnic group (in gift day Plateau State), although not the most senior officer in the army, proved to be the only leader to whom the military would rally. He thus became the Head of the Federal military Government.

The first step taken by the new Gowon management was to reverse Ironsi's decision to build a unitary form of government. The interim was to allay Northern fears of Southern (and in single Ibo) domination, since Ironsi had surrounded himself with Ibo advisors, within his six months in office. The new Gowon regime pacified the People of the West and the Mid-West by releasing Chief Awolowo and Chief Enahoro, and by convening a Conference, which was to consist of representatives from all the regions, to draft a new Federal Constitution.

The new administration, however, ran into difficulties immediately, as the military Governor of the Eastern Region Lt-Colonel Odumegwu Ojukwu (an Ibo) bitter about the massacre of his People in the North, refused to come to Lagos unless his protection would be guaranteed. The consummate Miltary Council met in Lagos from 14th to 16th October, 1966, with Lt-Colonel Ojukwu absenting himself as he had not been given a guarantee of personal safety. There was majority hold at the discussion for the creation of more states in Nigeria, and that a plebiscite should take place to rule the wishes of the people.

Aburi Meeting and Subsequent Secession of the East from Nigeria

Since Ojukwu and Gowon could not see eye-to-eye with each other on the assorted problems confronting the country as a whole, with single reference to the Eastern question, a committee of Western Nigeria Obas and Chiefs led by Chief Awolowo, started a round of talks with regional leaders in an exertion to solve the problem of continued Federation. The Eastern leaders persisted in their refusal to sit down to talk, and the effect was that the committee had to abandon its efforts in mid-November.

The National Liberation Council in Ghana tried in December 1966, to mediate between Gowon and the military governors in the Regions, including Ojukwu. The meeting took place in Aburi, Ghana, on 4th and 5th January 1967. After the Aburi meeting, all parties returned to Nigeria convinced that a worthwhile agreement had been reached, however, Ojukwu's interpretation of the meaning of agreement differed from those of the other participants. (It should be noted that it had ordinarily been agreed at the Aburi meeting that each regional governor should be given the power of veto over any decision of the consummate military Council which might sway this, as they felt it seriously undermined the power of the Federal military Government).

A rule published by the Federal military Government on 17th March, purporting to implement the Aburi agreement made secession illegal and empowered the Smc to take over the powers of government in any region where it had declared a state of emergency.

On 31st March, Ojukwu published an edict, the effect of which was to ascribe to the Regional Government all revenues (Oil royalties, etc.) which had previously been ascribable to the Federal military Government. On 18th April 1967, he took over Federal installations on Eastern soil, including the railways, posts, and Telecommunications, etc.

On 27th May, 1967, Ojukwu secured an spectacular, vote in the 300 - member Regional Consultative Assembly authorizing him to proclaim the Region's independence as the 'Republic of Biafra' at the earliest inherent date. The next day, Gowon declared a state of urgency throughout Nigeria, assumed full powers as Commander-in-Chief of the armed forces, and promulgated a rule dividing Nigeria into twelve states. The former Northern Region was divided into six states and the Eastern Region into three. The Mid-West became one state, while the Western Region minus Colony Province became the new Western State. The Colony Province joined the former Federal Territory of Lagos to become Lagos State.

Ojukwu announced that the rule dismembering Eastern Region would not be implemented and proclaimed the Republic of Biafra on 30th May, 1967. In reaction, Gowon denounced this as an act of rebellion, imposed financial and economic sanctions on the territory and ordered general mobilization.

Civil War

As a effect of frontier clashes between Ojukwu's military and those of Gowon, Ojukwu threatened total war on 30th June, 1967 if Nigeria entered his territory. This resulted in Gowon dismissing Ojukwu both as a military governor and as an army officer. The invasion of the East by the Federal military started on July 6th, 1967. The collapse of Biafra's side came suddenly; it was signaled in a broadcast by Ojukwu on 11th January 1970, announcing that he was handing over power to his deputy Major-General Phillip-Effiong and that 'his proximity exterior Biafra was vital in the quest for an early and honorable end to the Civil war.' Effiong the next day ordered the 'orderly disengagement' of his military and a delegation was ready to negotiate a peace settlement with the Federal authorities. By 14th January, Federal military had occupied the whole of the territory, and the next day, Lt-Colonel Effiong (he reversed to his substantive rank in the Nigerian army) formally surrendered in Lagos.

The military government of Gowon lasted nine years from, from 1966 to 1975, when he was overthrown, while on an official trip to Uganda, by general Murtala Muhammed. One of the major reasons for Gowon's overthrow was that he over-stayed in power without any clear objectives about setting the time-frame to hand over power to a civilian management over which he severally reneged.

General Muhammed himself was toppled in a coup after only six months in power on 13th February 1976, by Lt-Colonel Buka Dimka. Following the assassination of general Muhammed, the mantle of leadership fell on the then Brigadier Olusegun Obasanjo who was immediate deputy of general Muhammed. Obasanjo piloted the affairs of Nigeria and conducted a general Election, in which an elected executive civilian President in the someone of Alhaji Shehu Shagari became President of Nigeria, on the platform of the National Party of Nigeria, on 1st October, 1979.

Shagari ruled Nigeria for four years and weighty ineptitude and political corruption were the order of the day. It was indubitably a testy duration in Nigeria's chequered history as the 'years of the Locusts' indubitably entered the center-stage in Nigeria's political scene.

The Era of Tunde Idiagbon and Muhammadu Buhari

Shagari's regime was boted out on 31st December, 1983 by the duo of Brigadier Tunde Idiagbo and Major-General Muhammadu Buhari who rode into the ideas with great promise. They wore long faces and tried to whip everyone into line. They made 'disciplie' their watch word and didn't miss any opportunity to boast that they were in charge. But after sixteen months in the saddle, they were kicked out to the immediate joy of many (in August 1985).

Babangida's Era

General Ibrahim Badamosi Babangida, popularly called Ibb, came in August 1985, with a winning smile. Like others before him, he started well. It took approximately all his eight-year reign for his hidden schedule to become apparent. By then, Nigerians had been made to swallow the bitter pill of the Structural Adjustment Programme (Sap) in which the country's per capita income of about 00 of the eighties plummeted to 0. The general turned Nigeria into a political laboratory, as he banned and unbanned politicians, endlessly tinkering with the process. The greatest political urgency that Babangida bequeathed to the country was the annulment of the Presidential choosing victory won by Chief M.K.O. Abiola on June 12th, 1993 and for reasons best known to him, the country was given the June 12 crisis. Babangida stepped aside and strung together an interim government that was later declared illegal by the courts.

The Era of Sani Abacha

One of the upshots of that urgency was the emergence of general Sani Abacha, the dictator who for five years squeezed the country to submission. Abacha, it was who jailed Abiola, the winner of the elections, for daring to his many detention camps, accomplished down media houses, hanged activists and sent his killer squads after opposition figures. Nigerians lived in fear and misery. during this period, Nigeria waded through its darkest phase in history.

The Era of Abdulsalam Abubakar

When Abacha passed on, general Abdulsalam Abubakar came in 1988, managed a fair transition, and set the country up on the path of dreams and hope. On May 29, 1999, a new day dawned when Chief Olusegun Obasanjo was sworn in as the President, having won the general Elections under the People Democratic Party (Pdp), for a four year term which accomplished in year 2003.

Again, Chief Olusegun Obasanjo mounted the saddle again for a second term as Nigeria's elected civilian President after having won the 2003 general Elections under the platform of People Democratic Party. He entered his second term as President on May 29th, 2007, when the baton fell on late President Musa Yar'Adua. Yar'Adua, following a protracted illness, died on May 5th, 2009.

The Era of Goodluck Jonathan

The era of Goodluck Ebele Jonathan became the substantive President after his boss, President Musa Yar'Adua died in 2009. After a thriving primary choosing of his Party, the Pdp, Jonathan was thrown up as the flag bearer and Presidential candidate for the 2011 general Elections to which he ultimately won in a landslide on April 16, 2011. He was sworn in as President of Nigeria on May 29, 2011.

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The Benefits of Soft Water - Why You Need a Water Softener

Do you know about - The Benefits of Soft Water - Why You Need a Water Softener

Soft water versus hard water has many benefits. Like clean shiny silverware and glassware. No one like the spotty chalky hard water spots on their silverware, glasses or dishes.

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How is The Benefits of Soft Water - Why You Need a Water Softener

We had a good read. For the benefit of yourself. Be sure to read to the end. I want you to get good knowledge from Soft Money.

Since shampoos, soaps and detergents do not lather well in hard water, naturally soft water or hard water made soft through a water softener restores the rich lathering cleaning quality and cuts down on the usage and costs of soaps and detergents by 75%. Also, one can return to natural chemical free healthy soaps and laundering agents. The harsh chemicals in today's soaps and detergents were invented to combat hard water and still have some lather. With soft water you will not need these chemical based cleaners.

Hair and skin feels softer , cleaner and smoother. Detergents categorically rinse out of soft water. Tests have been done taking laundry that had gone through a rinse cycle in hard water, taken these "rinsed" clothing out and putting them in clean soapless water, agitating them and watching soap still come out of the clothing. Soft water allows detergents to wholly rinse out . Fabrics are also softer without hard minerals become trapped in them. Fabrics last longer and whites stay white without the dingy gray caused by hard water.

Soft water also does not leave chalk or orange rings nearby bathtubs and sinks. This saves time in house cleaning and embarrassment of having cleaned yet seeing it difficult to take off all the hard water deposits. Soft water also preserves the life of all water using appliances such as coffee and ice makers, dishwashers, and clothers washers. Hard water wears appliances out fast and requires more energy use as appliances do not work as well when they are corroded or clogged with mineral deposits. Savings on fuels costs and on properly working water heaters is an additional one benefit too.

Let's look at midpoint replacement of some of the basic appliance due to hard water corrosions; 0-water heater, faucet set, 0-0 washer/dryer set, and the whole plumbing system 00-00. The first water softeners were invented in 1912 before the coming of the modern washing motor as a basic household appliance that converts hard water into soft water which we all find desirable. It has prolonged to be a basic household appliance and is so appreciated by its owners that it is rare to see a water softerner sold 2nd hand, regularly owners just taken them with them when they move. The benefits of a water softener are more than one would perceive initially and regularly involve a cost savings that more than pays for the softener in about 4-5 years and most softeners are imaginable to last at least 10 years, with many chronic much longer.

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Why Are Soft Skills Important?

Do you know about - Why Are Soft Skills Important?

In many positions and occupations, job carrying out is soft skill dependent. Fellowships use evaluation tests, such as the Myers-Briggs Type Indicator and the Mayer, Salovey, Caruso Emotional brain Test, so they can get an idea of what soft skills employees possess. These skills are often intangible and, therefore, not legitimately taught. They tend to be more a function of personality characteristics. Some examples of soft skills include: responsibility, self-esteem, sociability,  self-management, integrity and honesty. Examples of interpersonal soft skills include: participates as a member of the team, teaches others,  serves customers,  exercises leadership, negotiates, works with cultural diversity.  

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How is Why Are Soft Skills Important?

We had a good read. For the benefit of yourself. Be sure to read to the end. I want you to get good knowledge from Soft Money.

Hard and soft knowledge are both foremost in the working world but employees who lack the potential to conduct their lives, take accountability for their own success, and ensue straight through on commitments need to learn soft skills along with the hard skills required for a job so they understand how all aspects of their lives connect. Soft skills contribute a way to get the highest return on investment when considering human capital. They can build great people. Few individuals are fired because they lack technical knowledge. Most are fired because of a deficit in soft skill knowledge. Ultimately, what we know is not nearly as foremost as what we do with what we know, and how well we do it.
Some organizations will effort to train soft skills but training is a use it or lose it proposition. While a participant may be motivated and excited after returning from a program, preexisting thought patterns can work against implementation. Many trainers will admit that ensue up is valuable for retention. The change of training includes both generalizations of training on-the-job and maintenance of learned material. For this to occur, abilities must be learned and retained straight through practical contact and repetition. The work environment, along with cultural climate, management and peer support, and carrying out opportunity, is vital to this achievement. Coaching is a tool that can help arrive at change of knowledge by recalling the lessons learned, reinforcing their importance, and motivating the client to move forward, despite obstacles or roadblocks. It is recommend that peer coaching, group coaching, or manager to employee coaching take place as follow-up. These techniques will make soft skill retention possible.

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How To Promote Nonprofit Fundraising Events

Do you know about - How To Promote Nonprofit Fundraising Events

Have you been chosen to promote the nonprofit fundraising events for your organization? Here's a plan of charge that should help you ensure success:

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How is How To Promote Nonprofit Fundraising Events

We had a good read. For the benefit of yourself. Be sure to read to the end. I want you to get good knowledge from Campaign Finance Reports.

To begin with, start early! Start just as soon as you know the fund raising event is going to happen.

Your first challenge is to find a newsworthy angle for the event and write a compelling press release.

Can you find a local celebrity who will agree to make an appearance?

Can you involve some of the town's political leaders?

How about the managers of every bank in town?

Are the funds raised going to a specific scheme that will interest the community?

Have you come up with a new twist on an old fund-raising idea that will capture the imagination?

Can you create a "circus atmosphere" for this event?

Once you've located on an angle - or two - start working on ideas for a headline. Remember, it is never about you, or your group. It is always about the person you are trying to lure to your event.

The headline's function is to arouse their interest and curiosity so the editor will print the issue and the communal will read it. However, don't be upset if the newspaper decides to turn the headline when they run the story. That happens.

The rest of the issue needs to stress the benefits of participation as well. You can talk about your group and how the money will be spent, but make sure you show it as obvious accomplishments rather than "We want, we need."

Once written, send your press issue to every newspaper, radio station, television station, and on-line news service that serves your area.

Again, don't be too upset if the story changes. If they turn the meaning, call up and endeavor to correct the error. Otherwise, remember its their newspaper and they think they are doing you a favor. I've had editors fully destroy a story after I spent hours getting every word just right, so I know how that feels!

In a few days, think of a new twist or an added benefit, and do it all over again! Keep doing it right up until the event. Make sure your headline shows that you've added something new.

Second, if this is a small town event or one that is focused on a specific neighborhood, get flyers printed and distributed. Post them anywhere you can - being sure to get permission before posting in businesses, please.

Third, write personal letters to influential habitancy who might attend, and ask them to bring their friends.

Fourth, make sure that every member of your organization is informed. Members who don't attend meetings do care, so get them involved with spreading the word. Feel members of other organizations who withhold your cause, too. Ask for their help and promise to help them in return.

Fifth, start an e-mail campaign. Write a compelling letter to a friend asking him or her to come to the event, and enthusiastically explaining why it is going to be so much fun, such a great advantage to the cause, etc. When you write it to a friend your words will flow naturally and carry more enthusiasm. (But do proofread it, and re-arrange sentences if necessary!) Be Sure to end the letter with a ask to pass the letter along. Come right out and say that you want everybody in town to know about and attend your event.

Last, call the thorough editors at your newspaper and ask them to attend, and bring their cameras, so that this year's event can help promote next year's. Bring your own camera as well, and enjoy the event. You've done your work and now it's time to join in on the fun.

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beginning Your Own Hat Wear Line - 7 Things To Know

Do you know about - beginning Your Own Hat Wear Line - 7 Things To Know

In the 10 years I have been in the institution apparel and hat wear business, I can not remember how many citizen called request for help in starting their hat wear line. All of them believed they had a great idea. Most of them had wee or no money. And none of them had a clue what it takes to make it in one of the most competitive businesses in America. The first examine these citizen asked was always "How much to make my own institution make hats?" And always, I told them, as moderately as I could, there is a whole lot of other questions they should ask first, and cost is perhaps the last one of them. I have always given these citizen my honest opinions while trying my best to encourage them. This record sums up all the guidance I have given over the years. Subsequent articles will address each of the following steps individually in greater detail.

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How is beginning Your Own Hat Wear Line - 7 Things To Know

We had a good read. For the benefit of yourself. Be sure to read to the end. I want you to get good knowledge from Campaign Finance Reports.

#1: Know Your Customer

Perhaps The most important thing to do before starting any business! You should sass the following questions regarding your customers:

1. Who might be your customers?

2. How old are they?

3. How many of them are there?

4. Where do they shop?

5. How often do they shop?

6. How much do they tend to spend when they shop for hats or caps?

7. What is favorite among these citizen right now?

Answers to these questions determine the niche to sell your caps in, what designs are appropriate, how many of your hats can you possible sell, and at what price.

#2: Know Your Competition

The 2nd most important thing to do before starting any business! You should sass the following questions regarding your competition:

1. Who may be your competition?

2. What types of hats and designs are they contribution right now?

3. How much are they charging for these products?

4. Where do they sell their hats?

5. How are they marketing their hats?

Answers to these questions determine what designs you should offer, how much you should be charging, what channel of distribution you should consider, and the possible marketing venues you should think when launching your own hat wear line.

#3: Know Your Marketing Plan

So what you have the greatest hat make of the decade if you can not get your products out there! Launching a hat wear line is all about marketing. Let me give you a very straightforward example. I have a customer, a real customer whose name I can not mention. These guys have some pretty cool make ideas. So they teamed up with a poker player, and hired a public relations person who is connected in the entertainment industry. These 2 citizen generated a lot of interests in their products! Before you know it, integrate celebrities were wearing their designs, and the rest is history. So brainstorm, be creative, put your name out there! Who knows? You might be the next Roxy, or Quicksilver, or even Nike!

#4: Know Your Start-up Cost

So you have figured out who your target customers are, who your competitions are, what hat designs you want to launch, and you have come up with the most creative marketing campaign. Now it is time to sass some cost-related questions:

1. Staffing and office rental

2. Marketing campaign costs

3. Voyage expanses

4. Trade show expanses

5. Production relation costs:

(i) How much does it cost for sampling of your designs?

(ii) Who should you go to get prototype designs made?

(iii) Production run costs (largely depends on how many hats you want to yield for your launch. To get any uncostly price point, you need to order at least in the hundreds per design. 25 hats is Not a wholesale quantity.)

#5: Financing

You have a plan to store your hat wear line; you know how much it will cost you; now you need to know how to finance your venture. possible sources for money:

1. Your savings

2. Your friends and family

3. Mortgaging your current assets such as your house

4. Seeing face investors (although this might be difficult for starting a hat wear line, but you never know)

5. Borrowing from the bank (Sba loans are ready for entrepreneurs in many cases)

#6: Know Your set in motion Date

In fashion, timing is everything. Are you launching your hat wear line for the Christmas season? For the back-to-school season? For the 4th of July? Most overseas Production takes 72 to up to 90 days via ocean freight. Say you are producing your hats in China. Do you know that the Chinese shut down for up to 15 days during Chinese New Year, which occurs on dissimilar dates, although mostly in January and February, depending on the year?

#7: Write Down Your Plan

You have gotten all the pieces of the puzzle; writing them down increases your chances of success. Your plan will keep you focused, and supply you with the big photo as well as the details you need to consider. And if you are trying to procure financing, a company plan is not only crucial, but as a matter of fact necessary!

This is a simplified run-down for the essentials steps you need to take before starting a hat wear line. So be creative with your designs; be approved with your research; be particular with your planning. And good luck! Please make sure to check my other articles regarding definite details on each of the above points. You might also want to check out my web sites for additional information.

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